Gotta get these thoughts out of my mind

I’m at loss for words

I’m at loss for time

One by one I hear these lines

They tell me I’m no good

They tell me I’m just fine

Both are wrong in the right light

To me the best approach

Is a balanced mind

I don’t jump to quick to either side

For me the life I live

Is way to short a time

For me to worry every day when

things don’t work out right

To settle for less

Just takes away my calm at night

You have all that I need,

I lay my fleece into your might

I know you’ve got me

This gives me peace of mind

Need to find a place

to go with you for a long time

The rest I need

Is just with you In sight

To Sense a likeness with you in mind

This is what I need

And what I need to get behind

You’re always there laying in the light

The hope you give

Gives me sense to look inside

Your ways are never to say a lie

I want to cling to this

I want to it every day and night

One by one, Lies get outta here

Two by two, Come in truths

Replace the old With the new

More than feelings


